Business and career coaching involves techniques to alow client to break free of ineffectual forms of thinking, communication, attitudes and behaviour, thus bringing to the foreground all the client’s potentials, skills and capabilities. It includes also team coaching, management coaching, leadership coaching, human resource coaching, systemic coaching and political coaching.
Is Coaching what I need
The following short quiz will show you, if you wish a change in your life, if you are currently open and ready for coaching and to what extent you could benefit from it.
Quiz will let you just in few moments find out if you wish to change something and improve your life. It will also show you how strong you wish a change, how ready you are and how much you could benefit from coaching currently. Quiz will additionally also show you to what extent you already live your life according to your wishes and inner potentials.
To get the answer just rate on the scale from 1 (Don’t agree at all) to 10 (Totally agree) each of the following 10 statements (if not applicable or you can not decide, score the item 5):
- I am ready and wish to change or reate more balance in my life.
- I am ready and wish to change or improve my personal or business relationships.
- I am ready and wish to make real and positive changes in my life to make it better.
- I am ready and wish to (find and) live my life’s purpose.
- I am ready and wish change and to overcome self-limiting negative beliefs and behavior.
- I am ready and wish to create action plans and start activities to achieve my goals.
- I am ready and wish to achieve a sense of gratitude, self realization, fulfilment at work and in my personal life.
- I am ready and wish for more free time, fun or enjoyment in my life.
- I’d like and wish to be more happy in my life and how I live my days.
- I could benefit from some one who will motivate me to achieve my goals and help me to stay on the track.
To get your answer, just sum up the points of all questions and then find the results and interpretations of your score below:
Under 30: Coaching is not for you right now.
31 to 60: Coaching could help you to look at your life from a different viewpoint as well as help you develop a plan to change what it is that you would like to change. However, if you decide to work with a life coach now, you should decide and commit that you will take the necessary action for your benefit, or you will not make lasting life-changing improvements.
Over 60: You are ready for a coaching and would strongly benefit from it. You wish to make your life better and you already know on which areas. You are also ready and wish to make your life better to create the life you deserve, desire and want to live.